"I Choose Tattoo" Facebook Promo

During the Masskara weekend last October 15, the Negros Bloggers were invited to attend the Globe sponsored OPUS Black Party at the L'Fisher Chalet. One of the fun moments was having ourselves "tattooed" at the Globe booth. 

Globe's "I Choose Tattoo" Facebook Promo was launched nationwide in the Philippines only last September 21 and will end on November 17, 2011. To join, one needs to like the Tattoo Facebook page and then read the mechanics. Follow the instructions carefully and participants will get a chance to be the next billboard celebrity by having his or her picture literally seen on an LED billboard along EDSA, Paragon, Lawton and Katipunan. In addition to that, there other prizes like a Samsung Galaxy Tab and a Tattoo MyFi Stick and cash prizes galore. Remember, the promo ends one week from now, on the 17th of November, so join na!

Be Different, Be You....Choose Tattoo 


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