A Simpler Christmas

The Christmas season is here again and with it comes the year's most excessive consumerism ever. The buying frenzy begins on Black Friday (for those in the U.S.A) and continues all season long. It's also the time for racking up credit card debt and getting all stressed up with decorating, parties, shopping, spending etc,. etc., etc...Arghhhh! Christmas isn't about presents ...Jesus was born in a manger bereft of even the most essential physical comfort, so why has the celebration of His birth turned into so much materialism, and the gift-giving and decorating part have become so important that the essence of Christmas becomes secondary? Last year, my family and I have decided to cut back on our Christmas decorations. We did not put up our big tree, instead I got a table top tree which we decorated with LED lights which uses less electricity. It was enough to put a fascinated smile on our little girl's face. We will use it again this year adding ribbon...