Hongkong 1993: The City Tour, Ocean Park, etc...

The City Tour Our harassed travel agent cum tour guide arrived early the next morning to pick us up for the " part of the package, shouldn't be missed " half day city tour. There were just 6 of us (my aunt-nun has joined us by this time) and so our ride was the same van that we rode from the airport. Our tour guide was named Eric and he was very informative and his Chinese English with a British accent was very entertaining. He says pooh instead of poor and people turned to peepoh...heheh. On our way to the cross harbor tunnel which we will be entering to go to Hongkong Island, he pointed out heritage places, shopping centers, hotels, schools as well as tenement houses which had clothes lines hanging out from window to window up to the top floors. But remember this was in 1993, so I don't know if this practice is still common in the Kowloon part of Hongkong.