Fascinated With Makeup

Since I was a little girl, I was fascinated with makeup. During weekends in my grand-aunt's house, I would spend hours watching her daughters (my aunties) put on make-up and dressing up. My mother who was a powder and lipstick type of girl tried to discourage this growing interest of mine and even though how much I nagged her about it, she refused to get me makeup. Of course I always managed to get some from my overindulgent aunties who would give me their leftover or soon to be discarded makeup products. You can imagine my Mom's look of resignation every time I came home with a little stash of cosmetics, but then again, she did not really prohibit me from practicing putting makeup on my face, which I often did in the confines of my room. I think she believed that everything for me at that age was fantasy and make believe...or was it?