Crazy Weather, Tornado, A Leaking Roof And Earth Hour

We have been experiencing really crazy weather the past week. I don't know if I should be grateful that the dry season isn't really going to be dry, which is good for the farms and the grass; or scared because summer should be here by now and it is still raining and quite heavily too. What is even more weird is the fact that yesterday at mid-day, a "buhawi/ipu-ipo" (tornado) hit the areas around The Bacolod Doctor's Hospital, St. John's Institute and the back portion of the University of St. La Salle, uprooting trees, throwing off billboards, ripping off rooftops and damaging properties. Retrieved from ( original post by member Boy Muscovado ) flying debris are GI sheets, glass and wood (picture taken from behind The Doctor's Hospital) besides the old Ceres North Terminal (photo retrieved from GMA news) USLS parking lot besides the football field another view (Bayan Mo, Ipatrol mo) And to top it all, because of the heavy r...