I Have A Google Page Rank!

I opened this blog today and look what I saw!  I finally got a Page Rank!  I am so happy that I just have to write about it. I don't know how I did it but I guess I must have been doing something right.

A Big Thanks to my Negros Blogger group for all the pointers and blogging tips and also to all my blogger friends and visitors for posting your comments. I love getting them. In my language, Madamo nga salamat.  


  1. Hi! Thank you for your comment at lainyonline.com

    Congratz on your PR. Lots of bloggers were happy with the update. There were some too who felt melancholic :-(

    BTW, I can see that you're active in Negros Blogger? You must know Atty. Eli. Please extend my kind regards to him :-)

    All the Best,

    1. Thank you :) and you know Atty Eli? wow, small world :) where are you from Lainy?


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