
Let me just say it outright...Pinterest is addicting. I was introduced to it a few months ago when the "it's more fun in the Philippines" was first introduced and a link was sent to me.  I thought...not another social media!  But then someone sent me another link and this time, I paid attention. It is actually very having a big organizer/planner in pictures.  Plus, if you really get into it, you can actually make a visual summary of your life, so that it becomes some sort of resume because it gives people an idea of who you are, your likes and dislikes, your dreams and aspirations. And it works because memory retention is better when people visualize something.  For someone like me who likes to make lists...what more can I say? I am hooked.  Please visit me at

note to readers: This post is written purely on my initiative for totally selfish reasons...I want to share my page (big grin)


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