Retirement Story: Cheers to Retirement!

What is it about the word "retirement" that make some people afraid? Not me, because after 39 years, it's Cheers to retirement!  When my mandatory retirement from government service finally arrived,  I was so excited that weeks before, I could not fully concentrate on work anymore. I was counting the days and literally daydreaming about the things I wanted to do. 

Where did time go?  Looking back to my years of working for the government, it seems like one long roller coaster ride that was mostly fun, sometimes scary but, it is finally over. Phew! Would I do it again? Honestly, I really don't know. I am quite ambiguous about this, because I love the concept of working for people and making a difference in creating a better life for others. But on the other hand, working in government is hard and either take it or leave it. Obviously, I took it...39 long years. The bureaucracy  and politics can defeat you, and make you give up on all your hopes and dreams of better government.  It takes a lot out of you, not just guts, but blood, sweat and tears. I was raised to be a strong and principled person, that is why I stayed in the face of all kinds of challenges, because my commitment to service, was greater than anything thrown at me.  Of course, there were also many victories won and positive changes happened, which only resulted in what I have always wished and worked for, and that is to deliver better health services for our patients.

I leave government service not without any regrets, because there have been many times when I said to myself, I should have done better. But, Life has a way of turning things around, all for the good of all, and so, I leave with a happy heart, knowing that the hospital is in good hands. I may not say this, but the TLJPH staff makes me very proud, they are a force to reckon with. I am honored and so touched when they prepared this retirement presentation for me that I will unabashedly share here.

 To everyone...Thank you for the memories. I will always cherish this.

Cheers to Retirement!




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