

Now-a-days nothing excites me except perhaps mall sales and shopping...but then I would need a lot of money for that, wouldn't I? I think I need a boost... exactly what kind? ...I'm not sure but I know it should be something to perk me up. Like yesterday for example, there were a lot of activities this Sunday but I had no energy or much interest for it. I just slept the whole afternoon instead of going to the gym where Ramie was having a taekwondo tournament. Is this another burn-out...duh...

Negative forces

The past week has really been weird...I think these series of unfortunate happenings for the past few days is a message of's like it's telling me to pay more attention to what is important and essential in life. Okay, so it got my attention...I'm listening. And you know what, if these negative forces think that by making these events happen they can make me lose faith...they're so wrong...nothing, and I mean NOTHING could make me lose my faith and fortitude. I admit that when things go well for me and all my days seem to fall into place, my relationship with God suffers and I am so guilty of neglect...I know that God misses me and is now once again knocking on the door of my heart. I say sorry all the time to Him and again and again He forgives me. I guess, I have no excuse really, except for the reality of my humanity, and my human weaknesses. I will stop making promises that I could never keep anyway, and this time I can only promise to try hard to be fa

On True Sexiness...

The MSN article "The Sexiest Women Over 35" says that true sexiness is molded from the heat of experience and that a woman with no redeeming social value might be "hot" (*cough* Paris Hilton), but she'll never be truly sexy. When I read this article, a light bulb went on in my head...a eureka moment. Now I sort of understand why some people would say that I am "beautiful", "sexy"...words that puzzle me because I don't remember being told these when I was younger...the nearest thing perhaps was "pretty" but beautiful...nah, never...and sexy? bwahahahaha! Seriously though, if I really think about it, I do look better, feel better now than when I was in my 20's and 30's. The article describes Diane Lane, one of my favorite actresses (Must Love Dogs)as classy, stunning and seems to be improving with age, a key indicator of true sexiness. So gaining status, wisdom, emotional security all adds up to sexiness? Hmmm yes, I l

When things go wrong...and The Mystery of the Missing Cellphone

I am not superstitious but when a day like yesterday happens, when one bad thing happens one after the other...then, I start thinking that negative forces in my immediate universe is working in an optimal pace. My tuesday started uneventful enough...I woke up late, as usual. The Ms. Universe 2007 was being shown live on cable TV and so I did not bring my Mom to her CWL seminar. A few minutes later, we got a call from her saying that she must have left her folder full of seminar materials in the tricycle (a motorcycle with a covered sidecar that serves as the main transport in most provincial towns and small cities) that she rode going there but she was not able to get it's number. So the househelp had to go chasing after similar looking tricycles which more or less comprises 80% of all tricycles plying the city route. The Ms. U would not have interested me anymore since the Philippines did not make the cut...but Korea did and being a true fan of Korean cinema and dramas...I dec


I really don't like Mondays...why?  Because it is the day that comes after my usually busy weekends. For most people, weekends are meant to be rest days but for me, these are the days where I try to squeeze in all activities unrelated to my regular work...and since these are only 2 days, it's no wonder that I'm busy and tired when Monday comes.  In other words, I don't get a free weekend. So I got in late for work today and my day did not start well at all.  But, since I never let anything bother me for long...and I have this great ability to filter out the noises around me so that by the end of the day when everyone has gone home except me, I find that my day has ended in a positive way.  Frankly my work week really starts on a Tuesday...Mondays are blah days and I'm part zombie, part be very afraid ;)

a new beginning

It's a good thing that I did not promise to keep this blog updated, otherwise I'd be paying for broken promises now. But today is a new beginning because I have decided to seriously make time to do this not only for today, but each new day :) After the elections last May 14, I think the days just went by...not slowly but it is more like "days that were over before you know it but you don't really remember doing anything significant or worth remembering" kind of days. This troubled me somewhat because it seemed to me that something as important as the election was no longer important to most people...including myself. But on after thought, something did happen during Election Day itself and the fact that people were empowered enough to complain is a good thing. I volunteered as part of the transportation team of the PPCRV (Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting) of San Diego Parish and at around 8:30 AM of Election Day, I was tasked to drive some peopl

The Kids In My Life

I have been so busy...with work, work, work...then some more work. I guess you are now picturing one very harassed woman. Truth're probably right. But I don't let it get to's just one of those months where everything is happening all together. It's no big deal. Really. Okay, so now where was I the last time?...Oh yes, I was talking about the kids in my life. When I reached 30, I used to wonder if I would ever settle down and marry or if not, then what would my life be when I grow old. Now I know. I have 3 wonderful kids in my life, my adopted son, my nephew and niece, whom I adore and who adores me back. Where are the parents, one might ask? Well, my son knows his birth mother and my nephew and niece live with their father but it is me, their "Nanang" whom they consider "mom". I used to say I did not want children because I had no patience for them. Oh sure, they were fun to be around with, but not all the time. Then my