

Okay, this is not exciting anymore. PHILVOCS has recorded 43 aftershocks as of 6 PM today.  I have felt at least 3, the last one just a minute ago.  It is dark now and I am very worried that this will continue into the night.  I am just grateful that we have a sturdy house and hardwood dining tables that we can all hide under.  Since the signs all point out to a stay alert, sleepless night...I am sharing our household's emergency/disaster preparations. A.  Before first aid kit one emergency light/flashlight per room water bottle for each person mobile phone charged/ extra batteries radio whistle check all gas outlets, secure all breakable fixtures/decors secure cabinets and place all breakables inside put heavy items on lower shelves identify your safe spots (no it is not under the door) like the inside corners of your walls During get out of the house once an earthquake happens but if there is not enough time get under the dining room table first. DROP, COVER &


It happened suddenly.  I just parked the Hi-Lander and suddenly just as I was about to get out of the vehicle, it started to rock side by side.  I thought it was my daughter and her nanny horsing around at the back and I turned to scold them when suddenly our cook rushed out of the kitchen door shouting, LINOG (earthquake)!!! Everyone stood still and our other house help entered the house to get my wheelchair bound aunt. It lasted for about a minute or so...I was so surprised at the intensity that I forgot to time it. After it was over, we went in the house talking excitedly, when my brother who also has vision and motor disabilities came out of his room and we all looked at each other...omigawd, we forgot about him!  Anyway, he said that he was finishing his prayers, that's why he did not get out...hahaha, talk about full confidence in God.  I felt 2 small aftershocks while we were having lunch.  Checking the US Geological Survey website, I learned that in my area, it was intensi

Serving The Medically Underserved

Last January 23 to 25, I joined a medical-surgical mission organized by classmates based in Indiana, USA.  The last time I actively participated as a volunteer in the medical part of a mission was probably more than 20 years ago. And frankly, this time was an eye-opener for a hospital based health professional like me. Not that missions are rare experiences for me, on the contrary, the hospital I was connected with is a regular venue for surgical missions , in fact it has a waiting list of groups wanting to hold one there and reservations are made as early as 2-3 years before the actual date. But I have never been an advocate of medical missions since I believed that people came not because they are really sick but to get the free medicines.  However, seeing the thousands of men, women and children who came to Dumangas, Zarraga and Janiuay, waiting for hours to be seen by a doctor, I had this nagging question.  Is it really just for the medicines or was there a real need by these pe

On Wedding Planners

credit In the not so distant past, wedding planners were unheard of. When people get married, it was usually just their immediate families who help out with the arrangements and actual event. But now-a-days probably because of the busyness of life, wedding coordinators or event planners as some would like to be called are the norm rather than the exception. It has become big business and some become very successful ones. But what is a good wedding planner? For the last 2 consecutive years I have attended at least 7 weddings either as principal sponsor or guest and most of which had wedding coordinators taking charge of the whole event. Two of those weddings had Clay Tan , one each for Dennis Ochoa , Vivienne Villanueva and Carmela Arlocas-Gamboa. Carmela (I was principal sponsor too in her wedding years ago) is more of an event organizer/producer but this is one wedding she could not refuse as it was of her husband's first cousin (thus, family) and for an initial foray into w

Happy Chinese New Year 2012 -The Year of the Blue Dragon

What greeting do you say for the Chinese New Year?  I first knew that there was a Chinese New Year when I went to Hongkong in the late 90's.  Feeling sick the first day I was there, I stayed in our hotel room and watched TV. One program was teaching viewers how to say Chinese phrases. And so, that's how I learned (and never forgot) the greeting of Kung Hei Fat Choi.  I did not know then that this was in the Cantonese dialect, the one mainly used in Hongkong, Guangdong and Macao among the many dialects in China. Back then, I thought it was the only new year greeting in Chinese. Hey, don't blame me...the only Chinese left in me is my lineage. It was only recently that I learned that in the Philippines and Bacolod in particular, most of the Filipino-Chinese come from Fujian province where the dialect is Fookien (Hokkien).  And so, we should actually say, Kiong Hee Huat Tsai when we greet them for the New Year.  As for China's official language Mandarin, it is Gong Xi Fa

Buglas Cafe: Burger El Grande

My first food post for 2012.  The biggest cheese burger I ever saw in Bacolod City is found at Buglas Cafe.  When I was told about it, I huge could it be?  It did not look that big in the picture posted in our FB group page. photo courtesy of Marchel Espina And so when we had a meeting there in late October last year with the Negros Bloggers core group that was the first thing we ordered.  The name: Burger El Grande.  And mamma mia, yes, it was huge!  It took four of us to finish it.  Was it good? Well, I am not a burger person but yes, it tasted good and was complete with cheese, lettuce and tomatoes garnished with ketchup and mustard. Next question: Is it worth the money?  If you go there alone and are a big eater (like my son), then it probably is...otherwise share it with at least 2 or 3 other persons, like we did.  And it's a little difficult to eat for us girls but the boys didn't have the same problem, they just opened their mouths and gobbled. Bugl

New Year, New Hope

What is it about a new year that makes people so optimistic?  After all, it's just the next day after the 31st of December, it is just another day.  January 1 does not really change anything, but the fact that it is the start of a new year gives people a change in perspective, at least for a while and the cycle goes on and on since every new year is like having second chances. It's a fool's belief. Having said this, I realized that unlike most people, I celebrate the new year because it's a tradition and not because it is important to me. I have no expectations because basically my life just goes on, nothing really changes.  I am talking here about my life in general, the day to day kind of living and interacting with people.  But the many oppressions, sadness, disasters and life challenges of 2011 gave this New Year a new meaning for me.  It gave me HOPE. And indeed these first 10 days of 2012 have already shown me that indeed life would be better this year. Praise G